Let's try to keep up with the extra large Langerak family.
Lily Langerak, third child of Langeraks kids, become friends with Susie Broke. They spend
a lot of after school time together too.
Meanwhile, late in her teenage years, Kaylynn babysits her younger brother Dylan.
Iliana Langerak works very hard to reach her Lifetime wish. She wants to become CEO of Mega Corporation
so she still focuses on her career. Being a mother for so many kids and being so successful at work
at the same time can work only beacause Iliana is the bread winner in this household and her husband
Dustin, being home stayed dad, runs family from more of a traditional housewive level.

Due to the fact that Langerak family is ever expanding even this house could be to small to contain
them all.
The firefighter of Sunset Valley Parker Langerak couldn't have a better profession to seduce as much
as possible innocent Sim girls.
Aunt Zelda Mae loves her little nephew Dylan and finds him to adorable. She starts to think about
the possibility of having a baby one day herself.
Parker was just born for a life of short-term romances and his lifetime goal is being the boyfriend of 10
different Sims. After taking Holly's Alto virginity he focus on work more and has eyes open for his next
romantic target.
Langeraks bought trampoline and little Lily enjoys jumping on it.
After work Parker goes out to meet new ladies. That's how he met Sandi French. Maybe she's too young
now, but she grows up soon and it would be great fo Parker to be her first real boyfriend. He knows he
needs to broke up with Holly to leave a room for new girlfriends.
Sandi just reached teenage stage but as a daughter of Molly French she's quite familiar with male
Parker meets Becky Baker fo tonight time out. He wants to build a relationship with her to make her his
girlfriend someday.
Dating Becky isn't only Parker's aim. Looks who's here with flowers shocking Becky and make her feel
uncomfortable. What would Parker think of her in that moment?
It's Christopher Steel, who's looking, in spite of sleeping with Monika Morris, for a wife and tries to have
a shot with Becky. Unluckily for him Parker's there and Becky has a soft spot for handsome firefighters.
Meanwhile Dustin Langerak starts prepare his younger children to sleep.
When kids sleep Dustin tries to initiate WooHoo with Iliana for another baby.
He knows they soon become elders and this is last chance to have fifth child with Iliana and complete his
Lifetime Wish of raising at least five kids.
Iliana reacts aggressively and doesn't want to hear about fifth pregnancy because she's career oriented
person and knows life long enough to realize that her job would suffer for a while. Dustin shouts he needs
fith child with Iliana or without.
Hearing that ring very loud in Iliana's mind as her basic private fear is her sister having her husband child.
So she jump on him and try for a baby herself.
She loses herself and want to have this last pregnancy happens.
After sex they kiss and promise each other that everything in this family will be fine. Dustin's Jack Bunch's
friend from the beginning and considering what happened to Ethan he worries that he won't have more
than five kids, just in case.
Iliana calms Dustin, five kids is just enough, and invites him to take a shower together and have a second
round to be sure she will be pregnant with this fifth.
So the try for a baby one more time. For better or for worse for Iliana it's better to just do it and after
baby will be delivered go back to work and let Dustin take care about everything else.
This time it rings in Iliana's mind that she gets pregnant.
Awake Parker heard his parents WooHooing under the shower and he laughs inside.
Next morning Parker goes to work, which he really enjoys. Being admired helps him making good
impression. And that counts for him.
Parker thinks it would be pretty perfect to have a hot female co worker and could making out while there's
not much going on.
And here she is, Luna. Langeraks decide to adopt German Shepherd and extend that household even more.
Luna checks her new surroundings and sniffs everything she meets. So she became one of the Sunset Valley
It was Dustin's dream to have a dog, but not only his actually. Many from this household desired Luna
appears in their home.
Only Zelda is a little bit skeptical about this. But she knows she won't live with her sister forever and
thinks about moving out more often these days. She knows is tempting for her to get involved with Dustin,
even she's in love with her band mate Stiles McGraw, but she resist to cross the line with her sister's
Despite of sexual attraction they both never had WooHoo, not even a kiss.
After school Lily starts to make her homework with Jack Keaton's just right in front of the school building.
Eleanor Alto looks at her and plots her evil stare.
Day by day Parker spends at work, which he enjoys for free time and adrenaline rush.
Dustin feels happy looking at his young son Dylan and hopes Iliana's pregnant with fifth child.
Being both Family-oriented Sims, Dustin and one of the newest neighbor in Sunset Valley Flo Broke, receive
wishes to have many children. Flo is already elder, but she has two kids, young adult Ruby and a child boy
named Skip. Dustin needs to raise five children so he talks with Flo about his already four offsprings.
But is this the future maid? Well, actually this Kaylynn is an aunt to future Parker's daughter, which will be
named after his sister, because her single mom just loves that name. Do you know already who will be
the single mother of Kaylynn number two? And would future Kaylynn have black hair after her black haired
dad, to match her future french maid outfit?
As a Workaholic Iliana loves to work and rarely becomes stressed from working. Her mood suffers when
she misses work, but she is able to make it up by working from home. This is the only way for her to be
pregnant with her fifth child and save her marriage and to be the best employee she can be.
So this is it! After taking pregnancy test Iliana knows she's pregnant. Now she needs to carry this child
safely and after giving birth she'll be back to work.
Consider her oldest son Parker's Young Adult, it's the last opportunity for her to be pregnant. That's
the reason why she chooses working from home from the beginning and keeps all safe.
She wants to make the most of her home stay and bond with all of her children.
Every night Parker's out. He wants meet potential girlfriends as much as he can. And where's better to hit
someone than at venue.
He meets Ruby Broke tonight for the very first time and he's already sure that Ruby will be his future
girlfriend. Especially getting to know her traits.
It's convenient for Parker to live with his parents while earning for himself. He will move out one day,
but now his room isn't needed that much yet.
Iliana holds Dylan and thinks about her life, her hard work and Dustin. Will he handle another child?
Stiles's Orchestra Lead in symphonic music career track and playing in a band with his girlfriend Zelda,
who is in rock music career track. They often visit Central Park together when not working.
Especially when it is so nice day like today
But this day isn't that nice for everyone. There's always a little tragedy around the corner in Sunset Valley.
Parker needs to save someone's home.
This time Single Moms household is on fire, but our hero Parker does his job good and everyone's safe
after his intervention.
Iliana continues her homestay pregnancy and gets close with her younger daughter Lily, who doesn't
necessarily enjoys her mom company all the time. Having both parents at home isn't that fun for her
and she isn't super happy about her new unborn sibling.
Green Leaf performs new songs near the beach clubs. This on and off stage duet works extremely hard
to make their way to the top.
At evening Kaylynn feels inspired by her aunt Zelda and tries become more musical as well by practicing
at home when no ones watching.
Zelda decides spend this night at Stiles's place. She wants to discuss with him their future not only
as a band, but as a couple as well.
She flirts with him and ask to relax in hot tub together.
So Zelda thinks it's time to think about moving in together and starts new household with Stiles. She says
her sister family is still increasing and there's no more room for her. Stiles relaxes and adds that he thinks
about moving out from Roomies household too.
They agree that they can afford to buy a nice house in not that far away future and start kissing.
It's getting very hot between them. Both know they love each other.
Zelda initiates WooHoo with Stiles, but she's not ready yet to have a baby. After all her career as a
Rock Star is her ultimate goal in life. And having a little child now doesn't support that aim.
So they freely WooHooing in hot tube and forget about the rest of the world.
They don't mind Stiles's roommates don't sleep yet and could caught them WooHooing.
When they are done they feel at ease and love each other even more.
Zelda truly loves her man and knows that one day they gonna have a child together. Just not yet.
Lily frustrates herself walking out of her parents bedroom. All they think about now is her younger brother
Dylan and this unborn baby. And what about her? Doesn't she count anymore in her big family?
Parker can't sleep at night. He wants to hook up with so many girls, but he's still officially boyfriend of
Holly Alto. So maybe it's time to break up with her and make some room for at least nine more girlfirends
to fullfill his Lifetime Wish?
Next morning after breakfast very pregnant Iliana eats big piece of Key Lime Pie and chats with her
daughter. Kaylynn says to her that she should watch out with sweets if she wants to get back in shape
quickly after giving birth.
Iliana gets angry at her and explains that's her fifth pregnancy and only after giving birth to Lily she was
fat and had problems losing her weight. Besides that Kaylynn, in late teenage stage, but still a teenager,
isn't in position to instruct her own mother.
During washing dishes Iliana thinks about what Kaylynn said about her weight and, considering her age,
worries it could take little longer to get back to her normal shape.
Iliana spends afternoon comforting little Dylan and playing with Luna.
She feels unsure about her pregnancy weight and ask Dustin if he thinks she's fat, old and ugly.
Dustin comforts her and assures her she looks very good, and that he loves her body while pregnant.
Help! What's going on here? Parker comes for rescue, because building where Roomies live is on fire.
Parker rushes to extinguish a fire and then he hears females scream.
It's Emma's Hatch desperate scream, who's daughter Rose Frio is still in that building. Blair Wainwright
and Tamara Donner scream with her as well.
Emma screams, cries and begs Parker to save her daughter. Tamara notices that this firefighter is a total
handsome cutie, but screams and begs him to rescue baby. Blair can't believe a tragedy like that can
happening to Emma.
Parker puts his own life in danger and goes inside the building to save little girl. Desperate scream of
a mother gives him additional adrenaline rush so he runs upstairs to Emma's room where baby Rose sleeps.
A picture of the year! Firefighter Parker Langerak saves the precious life of baby girl Rose Frio from fire.
Distraught Emma can't believe her happiness when she sees Parker's running from flames with her baby.
It was a nightmare, but she is safe now, that's what counts for a mother.
Meanwhile record company sends Zelda to Egypt to gives her time, space and inspiration to write new hit
songs. Stiles stayed home, because it's a trip linked with Zelda's rock music career, and not with their
Before her arrival she got new floral tattoo on her right arm. A proper Rock Star in a making should be
covered with many tattoo, shouldn't she? And all of them are themed with flowers, as we all know Zelda
is flower lover.
Zelda practices guitar skills to reach top of her career and fulfill Lifetime Wish of becoming a Rock Star
in Sunset Valley. Travelling to Egypt increases her job performance and gives her much needed inspiration
to create new hits.
Although she likes when its green around her, those palm trees and golden sand are a great change
and make her being more focused on improving her performances.
She stays here very short but manages to taste local cuisine, which tastes so good she wish Stiles could
taste it too.
Zelda doesn't sightseeing at all, she focus all her energy on playing guitar, even at night.
Her task is almost done, but she gets into it so much, she won't stop play. Why go to sleep when you can
just play rock music you really love?
Before she leaves she eats more of egyptian dishes, because she knows she isn't coming back to this
beautiful country very soon. So that the last opportunity to eat that delicious food.
When she's back to Sunset Valley she has some souvenir for her beloved sister Iliana., who can anytime
give birth.
Meanwhile Tamara Donner delighted by Parker's bravery in saving baby Rose Frio meets with him after
his work. She doesn't know he is still boyfriend of Holly Alto. But even if she knew, wouldn't she mind
to just invite him to see movie in theatre?
Parker loves females attention and is very happy about going on a date with Tamara. Sandi French sees
them together and secretly dreams about dating Parker.
And it happened. Tamara and Parker, instead of watching movie, WooHoo in theater. Parker cheats on
Holly and Tamara was too horny to resist. She has a crush on Parker and it shows.
When Parker and Tamara have a crazy public steamy Iliana feels it's time to finally give birth.
She calmly goes downstairs while super excited Dustin can't even dress himself.
He runs following his wife and want to be at hospital as soon as possible to holds Iliana hand.
Iliana goes to hospital but she doesn't worry. After all those pregnancies she's a veteran here.
And there she is, a newborn Kelly Langerak, the fifth and the last of Langeraks kids.
Dustin couldn't be more proud of his girls, both wife and beautiful little Kelly.
When they arrived home Dustin runs to make sure Iliana has everything she needs to rest and feed
the baby. He's super happy about big family and enjoys every minute of this precious time with his
newborn little sunshine.
Tamara continues seeing with Parker for sex and enjoyed it greatly. He, on the other hand, likes that so
mature and experienced woman shows him new tricks in bed.
Parker still haven't broken up with Holly and Tamara doesn't know he has a official girlfriend. She is falling
in love with him and feels she could build a relationship with this guy. She even likes the fact his so much
younger then she is.
After welcoming new member of family the house gets messy. Everyone is so distracted by little Kelly
there's no time to clean the house. Lily ask her dad why he doesn't love her anymore. Surprised Dustin
says he loves her, but now she's older and younger kids need more attention.
Dustin cooks for all family and Kaylynn feels disgust by her older brother Parker. She knows about Tamara
and thinks Parker should break up with Holly first, and then hook up with another lady. Besides, how old
is Tamara? Bleh.
It's a beautiful day in Sunset Valley and many Sims walk with their children. So does Beau Andrews with
his daughter Donna.
Zelda doesn't enjoy nice weather and stays home to practice her playing. After trip to Egypt she became
obsessed with reaching her Lifetime Wish.
She feels a lot of pressure to follow her dream career and want someday start a family herself before it's
too late for her. A drink or two to relax won't kill anybody.
It gets dangerous. Will Zelda have alcohol problem like a lot of Sims in rock music careers? Is drinking
a part of this wild lifestyle?
Unlike Zelda Dustin enjoys nice weather and goes for a walk with Luna. He feels blessed with his wife,
kids and dog. Having big happy family is his ultimate dream. No pressure on his side, just happiness he
can be a home stayed dad.
Luna loves her new family too and feels already a part of it. Her master is Dustin but she likes everyone,
even aunt Zelda.
Lily took her genes from both of her parents. She's blue-eyed blonde after Dustin, but her face features
are all Iliana. She's Easily Impressed but her other traits are a mix of her parents too, because she's Family
Oriented after Dustin and Daredevil after Iliana.
And she finally gets attention from her older brother. You can say everything about Parker, but he really
adores and cares about his little siblings and both Lily and Dylan feel that.
Dustin eats dinner with Kaylynn and discuss with her future of their household. Aunt Zelda plans move out
soon, so does Parker. And Kaylynn won't be teenager for ages too. He asks his daughter what kind of
Lifetime Wish she will chooses for herself, but she doesn't decide yet.
Zelda continuous heavy partying to let go of her thought about future. Her career goes up, but she doesn't
focus at all on her private life and that makes her nervous and uptight so she needs to drink to release her
Iliana has her tensions already behind her. Now she is resting and thinks about the joy of returning to work.
Hubby Dustin reminds her that it's been awhile since they make love.
He is indeed very lucky man to have her as his wife. What other women would give him so many children
and allows stay at home with them?
Iliana feels the same affection towards Dustin and loves him dearly.
So they start to kiss and WooHoo long and passionate.
Their sex life was always healthy and even after all those years still is.
Next morning Iliana goes back to work and Dustin rests after that crazy night with her. How come she has
all that energy?
Parker finally gathered himself and decide to visit his rich and pretty girlfriend Holly Alto at her parents
Holly greets him nicely and doesn't know yet what's the real reason of this visit.
Holly doesn't understand why Parker starts to argue with her. She just want to tell him that they don't spend
much time together at all and he shoots he feels limited in their relationship.
Holly feels sad to hear all that and doesn't get why Parker's so angry at her. She didn't do anything to make
him mad, they don't even meet and go on dates anymore. Limited?
And then Parker says he wants to break up with Holly. She stands in shock and doesn't know what to say.
Her teenage sweetheart and first boyfriend breaking up with her? She thought they gonna marry and have
kids together. She lost her virginity to him and now he's breaking up with her? But why? Because he feels
limited? It doesn't make any sense, does it?
After Parker leaves Holly feels crushed. She barely stands on her feet and almost blackouts.
Than she feels angry so much. So many feelings go thru her right now she can't even breathe.
What's going on? She still loves him. Does Parker find somebody else?
Meanwhile Dustin coming home from a walk with little Kelly and enjoys beautiful day. beautiful for him,
but definitely not for Holly.
Parker comes back home to and notice Bella Bachelor in swimming suit. He always liked his sister Kaylynn
friends but didn't know Bella is growing up so fast. So many girls in Sunset Valley to hook up with, and not
so much time.
Bella plays with Langeraks sisters and doesn't even notice Parker. She will spend whole day at Langeraks
home, so maybe she will notice him later.
Zelda works hard, plays hard, goes on tour and perform everyday. Her lifestyle and drinking at tour bus
become her regular reality.
There's this new girl Betty Simovitch in Sunset Valley, who's musical too. Her mother Fatima sees her
daughter is into music and tries to push her to be the best she could be, because she lost her dream of
becoming a musician herself.
Parker doesn't waste time and invites his new prey Tamara to hot tub in backyard of Langeraks house.
Their affair is sudden, but as hot as it could be.
Tamara loves WooHooing with Parker, although she thought she's not into younger men.
The chemistry between those two is insane. For Parker is just another fun, but Tamara gets involved
For her this romance is a reminder of her first love Xander Clavell. They both were Parker's age and very
fresh. Being as Flirty as Tamara doesn't help her to find a decent guy and she often ends up with
Heartbreakers like Parker.
They go for second round and WooHoo again just after they've finished the first one.
Experienced in WooHoo Tamara is Parker's dream. He couldn't be more happy to have her around.
They need to watch out though, because children play inside a house still.
Bella congrats Iliana her new baby and says she really like spend time in their home. Iliana really likes
Bella a lot and is happy Kaylynn has a good friend in her.
Iliana notices Tamara in her backyard and she already knows Parker dumped Holly and is now hooking up
with her. Tamara walks in triumph after having WooHoo with Parker twice.
Tamara gaze at Parker with love in kitchen, while Lily talks with Bella in living room.
Parker says Tamara that she has a newborn little sister and she can have a look at her if she wants.
That moves Tamara and triggers her maternal instincts.
After seeing little Kelly Tamra kisses Parker and feels that she would be incredible mother herself.
Zelda become more and more famous because of her music career and Connor Frio asks her for autograph.
Zelda escapes when she realize Connor calls another Sims to take an autograph from her.
She isn't a star yet, just a Backup Vocalist, but she gets recognition because of her beautiful voice.
Is that first fight between lovers? During dinner Parkers says he's not ready yet to settle down and wants
to meet a lot of ladies. Tamara is hurt and gets up from the table.
But they soon make it up and dance together to Zelda's music.
Parker apologizes and comforts her.
Later that night they flirt in his bedroom. Tamara's impressed with Parker's hatchet and shows him even
more affection.
That makes him realize he's perfect for being his second girlfriend and asks her if they could be an official
couple. She could be more happy to hear that and of course agrees.
Next Sunday morning Lily gets up very early to educate herself and reads.
Kaylynn babysits Kelly and wonder how many children will she have, and with whom. Not with Arlo Bunch,
because he's with Irene Funke now.
Zelda has a day off and playing goofy around the house.
Everyday activities of Dustin include now walking with Kelly in stroller.
Later that day Zelda call Stiles and invites him over.
They jump into hot tub where just yesterday Parker and Tamara had sex twice. Is that hygienic?
Hygienic or not they kiss and Zelda want to WooHoo with her boyfriend badly.
Horny Stiles doesn't mind Zelda's idea.
Especially they haven't seen that much these days because of their work and not living together yet.
They have fun and release all tension from their bodies. Both needed some all good WooHoo in hot tub.
Luna became a favorite of everyone in household. Parker baths her.
And Zelda combs her after bath. Who would guess everyone like to take care about Luna's hygiene?
Only Lily seems to be jealous of all the attention Luna gets. She constantly feels ignored.
Parker got his second tattoo. Of course one themed with flames.
At dinner Zelda talks with her sister about her idea to buy a house with Stiles and moving out from here.
Iliana thinks it's good idea, although she will miss her little sister so much. They both agree it's nesecary
not only beacuse of the lack of rooms in this house, but it would be better for Zelda to live together with
her beloved Stiles, and maybe even start her own family?
And this is how this week turns out for the Langerak family. Dustin sits with Kelly and dreams about his
children future. Did Kelly take her genes after him or after Iliana? We will find out a little bit in next
Lily Langerak
Susie Broke
Kaylynn Langerak
Dylan Langerak
Iliana Langerak
Parker Langerak
Zelda Mae
Sandi French
Becky Baker
Christopher Steel
Dustin Langerak
Luna Langerak
Eleonor Alto
Jack Keaton
Flo Broke
Ruby Broke
Stiles McGraw
Tamara Donner
Emma Hatch
Blair Wainwright
Rose Frio
Ayesha Ansari
Bob Newbie
Kelly Langerak
Beau Andrews
Donna Andrews
Holly Alto
Bella Bachelor
Betty Simovitch
Fatima Simovitch
Connor Frio
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